Теодосий Събев Teодосиев (роден 1 декември 1947), "Златният учител" на България, е учител по приложна математика и физика. Тео, както е известно на неговите приятели и студенти, започва своя 40-годишен педагогически стаж в "Никола Обрешков" ДПП - Казанлък, където той инициира специализирано обучение по приложна математика и физика, използвайки собствена методология за формиране на силов интелект. Той е действащ учител и ежегодно дава по-голямата част от националните отбори на България за международни състезания и олимпиади по физика. От общо 11 златни медала, спечелени от българските участници в Международната олимпиада по физика 7 са завършили от неговото училище, включително най-високата индивидуалните резултати и постижения на екипа. Има 13 отделни лидери в националните олимпиади по физика и повече от 50 участници от Стипендията.
Teodosii Sabev Teodosiev (born December 1, 1947), the "golden teacher" of Bulgaria, is a professor of applied mathematics and physics. Theo, as known to his friends and students, started his 40-year pedagogical internship at "Nikola Obreshkov" GMP - Kazanlak, where he started a specialized training in Applied Mathematics and Physics, developed his Methodology for the formation of powerful intelligence, created a free school for students and teachers, popular as "The Theo School", in which he maintains and develops a theoretical and practical training base.
He is an acting teacher and annually gives the bulk of the national teams of Bulgaria for international competitions and physics Olympiads. Out of a total of 11 gold medals won by Bulgarian participants at the International Olympics in Physics, 7 are graduates from his school, including the highest individual results and team achievements. There are 13 individual leaders at the National Olympiads in Physics and more than 50 participants from the IOF.
For his many years of work, achievements and achievements, Teo has been awarded many awards. Winner of numerous awards and awards: the Order "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ", three times the award "St. Rilski", Raina Kandeva Award, twice the prize of" St. Kiril and Metodiy ", prizes from the Faculty of Physics of St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University for the most accepted students, the sole teacher in Bulgaria, awarded an honorary diploma by the Bulgarian Parliament. For his long-lasting selfless work and elevating the authority of Bulgaria, T. Teodosiev was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen" in his hometown of Kazanlak .