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                          The Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation in Non-formal Education (CIRINO) is an creative group of researchers, lecturers and PhD students at the Faculty of Education, University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Sofia, Bulgaria) which mission is to support the revival of non-formal learning and education as a concept and a variety of degree programmes, professional and paraprofessional practices.  Since its creation in 2012 the CIRINO has coordinated several forums, research and publishing projects focused on topics like transformative education (2012), network-based and open learning (2013), education cities (2014), excellence models and methods in non-formal education (2015), heritage models and arts education (2016), Anthology of non-formal education (2017). Since 2013 the CIRINO team coordinates an open National network of non-formal education which consolidates more than 100 individuals and organizations.

The International conference (4 - 6 Nov. 2018) is one of the several CIRINO initiatives to mark the 10th anniversary of the B.A. degree programme in Non-formal education at Sofia University (Faculty of Education). The forum is a partner event supported by several Bulgarian institutions, local authorities, businesses, NGOs and network members. The main collateral partner event is the Non-formal Education EXPO which will occupy exactly the same time and space hosted by the "National Earth and Man Museum"  and coordinated by the Community for Democratic Education. The launching of the “Anthology of Non-formal Education” is also integrated to the conference programme. The edition presents the contributions of more than 60 Bulgarian and European authors divided in six key areas: historical, conceptual and practical dimensions of NFE, paraformal education, adult education, NFE and social work practices, culture and arts NFE, professionalization and professionalism in NFE.


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